Hayat Dernegi

Distribution of food baskets to our residents in Al-Maslah Camp

In collaboration between Hayat Association and “Bir Paket Mutluluk” Association, and in coordination with AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Authority), food baskets were distributed to our people residing in Mezbaha Camp in Afrin city.

We feel immense joy in implementing this charitable initiative, and we believe that collective work can bring about real change in the lives of those in need. We hope that the distribution of these food baskets provides some comfort and solace to those who are suffering in difficult circumstances.

We express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who contributed to the success of this noble initiative. Thank you to the members of the associations and volunteers who worked diligently to collect and prepare the food baskets, and thank you to everyone who generously donated for this purpose. Thanks to all of you, we were able to deliver food to those who are in great need.

We pray to Allah that He accepts this good deed and places it in the balance of good deeds for all those involved in and contributed to this initiative. We hope that these valuable collaborations and joint efforts continue to help those in need of support and assistance.

In the end, we wish for more opportunities to contribute to improving the living conditions of people facing difficult circumstances.

#HayatAssociation #AFAD #BirPaketMutluluk #MezbahaCamp #Afrin

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